Assessing the Quality of AI-Generated Content: A Guide for CMOs - ContentBot Blog

Assessing the Quality of AI-Generated Content: A Guide for CMOs

The digital landscape is always changing and evolving. 

For CMOs, they’re all too aware of this. That’s why they need to constantly be on the lookout for new and innovative ways to elevate their marketing and content strategies. 

In this blog post, we’re going to take a closer look at the challenges faced by CMOs. From there, we’ll explain how AI generators can help them elevate their marketing strategies. We’ll show you how to assess the quality of AI-generated content to make sure you’re optimizing its potential and, as a result, your brand’s marketing as a whole. 

Why is it important to ensure quality content in marketing?

We know what you’re thinking – If AI is said to produce high-quality content, why do CMOs need to assess it? 

Well, we can think of a few reasons…

  • Builds Brand Trust and Credibility: High-quality content helps establish your brand as trustworthy and credible in the eyes of consumers. It demonstrates your expertise and commitment to providing value. This in turn fosters a strong, loyal customer base.
  • Improves Search Engine Rankings: Search engines like Google prioritize content that’s relevant, informative, and user-friendly. High-quality content is more likely to rank higher in search results, leading to increased visibility and organic traffic.
  • Enhances User Engagement: Engaging content holds the attention of your audience, encouraging them to interact with your brand. Engagement is determined by the number of likes, shares, comments, and other forms that can amplify your message and reach. Providing content that’s informative, easy to consume, and enjoyable contributes to a positive customer experience.
  • Drives Conversions: Content that resonates with the audience and effectively communicates the benefits of a product or service can lead to higher conversion rates. Readers and viewers are turned into customers.
  • Encourages Social Sharing: Content that’s well-researched, well-written, and compelling is more likely to be shared on social media. This increases its potential reach and the likelihood of going viral.
  • Provides Value to Your Audience: Content that educates, entertains, or solves problems is valuable to your audience. It can help build a positive brand association and customer loyalty. Consistently delivering high-quality content can keep your audience coming back for more.
  • Builds Thought Leadership: Insightful and thought-provoking content positions your brand as a thought leader in your industry. You may then be able to influence the opinions and actions of your target market.
  • Nurtures Leads: High-quality content can play a crucial role in nurturing leads through the sales funnel. It can provide the necessary information and persuasion to move potential customers toward making a purchase.

What is AI-generated content?

Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to machines that are programmed to perform the tasks typically carried out by humans. Using a combination of algorithms, machine learning, and natural language processing, it’s capable of producing surprisingly human-like results. 

AI-generated content is no exception. 

When it comes to the content creation process, AI relies on human prompting and input to perform a certain task. Content automation tools can help generate everything from attractive social media captions to suitable blog post topics on a regular basis. 

So, in summary – AI-generated content is content that’s been created with the help of, or entirely by, artificial intelligence. 

What are the advantages of AI-generated content?

  • Scalability: AI can produce content at a scale that is impossible for human writers. CMOs can ramp up content production to meet the needs of various platforms and campaigns without a proportional increase in human resources.
  • Cost efficiency: By using AI for content generation, companies can reduce their overhead costs. These are often associated with hiring additional writers or outsourcing content creation. This can lead to significant savings, particularly for large-scale content needs.
  • Speed: AI generates content much faster than humans. This is particularly useful for time-sensitive materials such as news articles, social media posts, or responses to current events.
  • Personalization: AI can tailor content to individual users’ preferences, behaviors, and demographics. This helps provide a personalized experience that can increase engagement and customer loyalty.
  • SEO integration: AI SEO tools can optimize content for search engines, helping to improve rankings and drive traffic. They can analyze keywords, suggest relevant topics, and ensure that content meets SEO best practices.
  • Data-driven insights: AI can analyze large sets of data to identify trends. It uses this information to generate content that resonates with audiences based on their interests and behaviors.
  • Consistency: AI algorithms can maintain a consistent tone, style, and brand message across all content. These factors are crucial for brand identity and recognition.
  • Testing and optimization: AI can run A/B tests on different versions of content to determine which performs best. This allows for continuous improvement of content strategies.
  • Multilingual content: AI can produce content in multiple languages. This makes it easier to reach global audiences without the need for human translators.
  • Content repurposing: AI can repurpose existing content into different formats, such as turning blog posts into scripts for videos or podcasts. This is useful in extending the reach and lifespan of marketing materials.

What are the limitations of AI-generated content?

  • Lack of creativity: AI can’t be truly creative or conceptualize original ideas in the same way humans do. This can make AI-generated content seem generic or uninspired.
  • Potential for errors: While AI is great at following patterns, it can sometimes produce inaccurate content. The risk of this is higher if the input data is incorrect or the AI misinterprets the context.
  • Requires human input: AI-generated content still requires human involvement to ensure quality, relevance, and alignment with the brand’s voice and goals. This can reduce some of the efficiencies gained from AI automation.
  • Ethical Considerations: There are ethical concerns around transparency and disclosure when using AI-generated content. This especially applies if audiences are not made aware that content has been produced by AI.
  • Technical challenges: Implementing AI solutions for content generation can involve technical complexities. CMOs may face challenges in integrating AI tools with existing systems and workflows.
  • SEO and authenticity issues: Search engines like Google prefer original and valuable content. Over-reliance on AI-generated content could lead to SEO penalties if the content is seen as low quality or not adding value to users.

Now that we’ve covered our bases, it’s time for the steps needed to assess the quality of AI-generated content.

12 Steps for evaluating the quality of AI-generated content

1. Define quality criteria

Quality isn’t a straightforward concept. It’s subjective and dependent on the task at hand. That’s why one of the first steps in assessing the quality of AI content is to establish what constitutes high-quality content for your brand. To do this, CMOs will need to dive deeper into the tone, style, and subject matter.

Create a quality control checklist that aligns with your brand’s content strategy and goals. Here are a few suggestions to get you started:

  • Accuracy and factual correctness
  • Originality and plagiarism concerns
  • Relevance to target audience and marketing objectives
  • Brand alignment and tone consistency 
  • Engagement and reliability 

2. Use AI’s automated quality check tools

When selecting your AI tool, make sure to conduct the appropriate research. Choose AI content automation tools that can help you assess the quality of AI-generated content. This includes grammar checkers, plagiarism detectors, and readability scores. 

AI tools that already have this software built in are a huge advantage for CMOs looking to reduce time spent on quality assurance. This way, they can also reduce overhead costs by combining their AI generator and quality checker through a central platform like ContentBot

3. Human review

AI tools do wonders for streamlining the content creation process. It’s often used from start to finish, from idea generation to execution, distribution, and monitoring. However, they can’t replace human editing (not yet, at least). As AI writers require human prompting to follow a set of instructions, they need humans to edit and evaluate the final product.

CMOs need to implement a process where human editors evaluate AI content to make sure it meets brand standards. It needs to suit your unique tone, style, and message that you’re trying to get across to your audience. 

Train your team to spot inconsistencies or errors that AI might miss. Certain tools can be biased and lack the necessary programming to back their statements. Fact-checking and referencing should be carried out by a human team member. This way, you can verify the information and data included in the AI-generated content. They should also ensure that the content adheres to industry standards and compliance requirements.

4. Evaluate originality

Many CMOs and marketing teams use AI to paraphrase content to make the content as original as possible. When fighting for the audience’s attention through a sea of competitors, it can be hard to make your content stand out. Referencing other sources and external information to enhance your content helps make sure your message gets across. 

While AI tools are a quick and easy way to paraphrase large pieces of text, it’s still important to double-check the originality of your content. Use paraphrasing tools to ensure the content is original and not simply repurposing existing materials. You can take it a step further by assessing the creativity and uniqueness of the content in relation to your competitors.

5. Assess audience relevance

One of the biggest advantages of using AI to generate content is its access to vast amounts of data across different marketing channels. This helps CMOs gain a holistic and comprehensive idea of their audiences to target them effectively. It’s also why mastering personalization is made easier with the help of AI technology. 

An effective marketing tactic that’s been implemented across industries is creating customer personas. CMOs can use AI to generate accurate “ideal” customers based on the data it’s fed and collected. Marketers simply need to match content with these audience personas to ensure relevance and engagement.

CMOs can also perform A/B testing to see which AI-generated content resonates best with their audience. This type of market research is often neglected by marketers but holds huge potential for those who choose to employ it correctly. 

6. Maintain brand consistency

This step in the quality assessment process requires more human intervention than most. A human team member will need to manually check that the AI content reflects your brand voice and ethos. For CMOs who manage the profiles of many different clients with varying needs, this is challenging. A trusted marketing team will need to monitor that messaging stays consistent across different content pieces, for each respective client.

7. Ensure engagement and readability

Engaging content stands a higher chance of ranking on search engines and driving conversions. It’s important to make sure that the content can capture and hold the audience’s attention. 

For CMOs with clients from different industries, it’s important to adjust the readability of your content to your audience. The target audience will determine the level of complexity and the amount of jargon that can be used when generating content. Make sure to measure readability using tools like the Hemingway App to assess language complexity and sentence structure.

8. SEO integration

Again, this is where we recommend using a more complex AI tool like ContentBot for AI generation. The built-in SEO tool makes it far easier for CMOs to evaluate this aspect of their content. The automated reports and best practices make optimizing for search engines an easier and quicker task. 

Certain AI tools are also capable of generating SEO content from scratch. If you prefer to write your content, you can simply ask the AI to optimize your content for search engines. There’s also the option to generate suitable meta descriptions and title tags based on your input. The more advanced tools will even establish possible linking opportunities and keyword gaps. Make sure to use SEO performance analysis to track how well AI-generated content ranks on search engines.

9. Measure content performance

This is an integral part of any marketing strategy. To determine whether or not a campaign has been successful, we need to compare the results against predetermined marketing KPIs

Use analytics to track engagement metrics such as clicks, shares, time on page, and conversion rates. When trying to determine whether AI tools are a good fit for your brand, compare AI-generated content performance against human-generated benchmarks. This will give you a clear indication of which type of content achieves better results. 

10. Legal and ethical considerations

The convenience of using AI tools shouldn’t overshadow the importance of addressing copyright issues. Ensuring your AI-generated content doesn’t infringe on others’ intellectual property is a crucial task for CMOs. They need to consider the ethical implications of AI content, such as transparency with your audience and potential biases. Recently, there’s also been a rising concern on the topic of whether or not using AI for paraphrasing is ethical. 

11. Establish a feedback loop

Your audience is one of the hardest critics marketers can find. You can trust that they will always share their opinion, whether asked to or not. CMOs can use this to their advantage by collecting feedback from their audiences about their views on the AI-generated content. You can also ask your internal team about their experiences with the technology and use their input to tweak your strategies.

Make sure to regularly adjust your AI content parameters and quality assessments based on feedback and performance data.

12. Continuous improvement

Once you’ve evaluated the results from your AI-generated content, you’ll need to interpret the results. Based on these findings, CMOs can identify room for improvement and potential growth areas. One of the main reasons for measuring results and metrics is for continuous improvement.

Make sure to keep updating and training your AI tools with new data to improve the quality of your content over time. It’s also important to stay up to date with AI advancements and best practices for content generation.

A quick recap…

As a  chief marketing officer, there are a few challenges that one will have to face time and again:

  • Coordinating content creation and marketing efforts across a large, global organization.
  • Ensuring consistent brand messaging and compliance across all content and channels.
  • Managing a high volume of content creation with limited resources.
  • Keeping up with the fast-paced changes in the financial services industry.
  • Adapting marketing strategies to cater to a diverse clientele and market segments.

Luckily, AI has the potential to take marketing strategies to the next level. However, it’s best used in conjunction with human writing rather than relied on entirely. Remember, while AI has access to vast amounts of data and has been programmed to generate high-quality content in minutes, it can also be biased and factually inaccurate. 

The more advanced AI tools like ContentBot and ChatGPT are taking the world by storm with their high-quality content and fast results. Thanks to their programming and skilled developers, CMOs and industry experts are finding it easier to keep up with the ever-growing competition within their industries. 

Make sure to sign up for ContentBot and access its extensive portfolio of features that are designed to elevate every aspect of your marketing strategy. 

When evaluating AI-generated content, make sure you’ve put the necessary criteria in place to help you make an accurate assessment. Have clearly defined goals and benchmarks for measuring success and quality. CMOs need to put time and effort into editing AI-generated content to make sure it suits your brand’s tone and style. AI may streamline the content creation process, but there are some things only a human can do.

Have you used AI to generate content for your marketing strategies? 

How do you assess the quality of the output from AI generators? 

Let us know in the comments!

Lauren Meyer

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