If it’s Thursday, it must be realityOS. Signs of Apple’s mixed reality moves turn up on GitHub. TMO Managing Editor Jeff Butts joins Ken to kick that around. Then, Qualcomm seems to be setting the smart car bar pretty high. Jeff tells us what’s coming down the road.

The Mac Observer Show
A Cold Front in Apple HR - TMO Daily Observations 2023-03-15
In a familiar sounding story, Bloomberg says Apple has slowed hiring considerably and rescheduled bonuses in an attempt to control costs. TMO writer Nick deCourville joins Ken to discuss that. Plus – An email on Apple TV+ and the first installment of Nick’s Picks!
Working Longer and Sleeping Better - TMO Daily Observations 2023-03-14
Apple and Foxconn are seeing better conditions for manufacturing in India. TMO Managing Editor Jeff Butts and Ken talk over the changes and consider worker issues. Plus – Our Apple Watches tell us we’re not getting enough sleep. We’ll look at how our Apple Watches can help.
A Mixed-Reality and Mailbag Monday - TMO Daily Observations 2023-03-13
The Financial Times says Apple’s mixed-reality headset will be Tim Cook’s legacy. But rumor says not everyone at Apple thinks it’s the best idea. TMO Managing Editor Jeff Butts joins Ken to address the headset. Plus – Apple Music Classical, MLS, and high-priced iPad Pros are in for Mailbag Monday.
Playing the Really Oldies - TMO Daily Observations 2023-03-10
Apple Music Classical finally has a release date. TMO Managing Editor Jeff Butts joins Ken to go over that announcement. Plus – A rumor has iPad Pro seeing a huge price jump in 2024.
Making India Its Own Thing - TMO Daily Observations 2023-03-09
Secret so-and-sos say, internally, Apple is viewing India as its own sales region. TMO writer Nick deCourville joins Ken to talk that over. Plus – secret sources say Apple has an opt-out clause on its ten-year MLS contract. Ken talks about why he thinks Apple’s in for the long haul.
Announcements Inside the Yellow iPhone Announcement - TMO Daily Observations 2023-03-08
As had been rumored, Apple’s announced big yellow additions to the iPhone 14 line. TMO Managing Editor Jeff Butts and Ken talk over the Emergency SOS and Apple Pay announcements inside that announcement. Plus – Stay at the pub where Ted Lasso hangs out!
Stories Financial Analysts Tell - TMO Daily Observations 2023-03-07
Goldman Sachs has traded an Apple bear for an Apple bull, and suddenly it’s a “Buy” with a $199 target. TMO Managing Editor Jeff Butts and Ken talk over tales told by financial analysts. Plus – “Ghosted” is ghosting the cineplex and there may be a new yellow iPhone peeking over the horizon.
More iPhone Making for India and More Soccer for Everyone - TMO Daily Observations 2023-03-06
Bloomberg and the Wall Street Journal have tales of more Apple manufacturing in India. TMO Managing Editor Jeff Butts and Ken talk those over. Plus a quick trip to the Apple Store and Apple’s soccer push continues.
Questioning the Apple Silicon Mac Pro and Apple’s China Exit - TMO Daily Observations 2023-03-02
Will there be an Apple Silicon Mac Pro? TMO Managing Editor Jeff Butts wonders aloud about that. Plus – Ken wonders whether Apple actually wants a China exit, or just wants to know where the exit is.
The EC Goes EZ on App Store In-App Purchases - TMO Daily Observations 2023-03-01
Facebook has a plan to help fight CSAM and revenge porn. TMO writer Nick deCourville joins Ken with more info. Plus – The European Commission drops its objection to Apple’s In-App Purchase requirements, but has a message on messaging.
iPhone Rumors and AirPods Max Attacks - TMO Daily Observations 2023-02-28
Having taken it off the table earlier this year, TF International analyst Ming-Chi Kuo has put iPhone SE 4 back in play. TMO Managing Editor Jeff Butts joins Ken to talk about what Apple building its own 5G modem for the SE could mean for other Apple gear. Plus – Bad guys are stealing AirPods Max off of people’s heads in NYC. HOW COULD YOU NOT HEAR THEM CO… oh… yeah…
Thieves, Soccer, and a Dopey Kid - TMO Daily Observations 2023-02-27
Thieves are stealing iPhones, punching in passcodes, and ruining people’s lives. Is it an iPhone problem or a person problem? TMO Managing Editor Jeff Butts joins Ken to sift through it. Plus, the first weekend of MLS on Apple TV and a kid AirDrops himself into jail.
Idiosyncratic Tailwinds and Latch Hook Rugs - TMO Daily Observations 2023-02-24
Morgan Stanley is out with a list of “idiosyncratic tailwinds” for Apple shares in 2023. TMO Managing Editor Jeff Butts joins Ken to talk them over. Plus – RR Auctions has a lot of really cool tech related stuff up for bids. Let’s go bidding!
Apple, Bloomberg, and Blood Sugar - TMO Daily Observations 2023-02-23
Bloomberg has run a “secret sources” report saying Apple has hit a milestone on no-prick blood glucose monitoring. TMO Managing Editor Jeff Butts covers the tech in the story, while Ken asks questions about the story itself.
Treating Apple TV+ Like TV - TMO Daily Observations 2023-02-21
Ken has a sudden obsession with whatever it is Apple is trying to turn Apple TV+ into. He drags TMO Managing Editor Jeff Butts along for the ride. Plus – Mailbag Monday, the Tuesday Edition and taking up a collection for a second Apple headset.
Apple Thinks Mastodon Has Legs - TMO Daily Observations 2023-02-20
TMO Managing Editor Jeff Butts joins Ken to discuss stories that may speak to sentiment around Apple, and social media’s plans to nickel and dime users for security. Plus — A vote of confidence for Mastodon from Apple.
Operating Systems, AI, and Apple's Neural Engine - TMO Daily Observations 2023-02-17
New iPadOS adoption numbers from Apple have piqued Ken’s interest. TMO Managing Editor Jeff Butts joins Ken to kicks those around. Plus – Jeff dives into AI and Apple’s Neural Engine.
A.R. You Ready for a Show? - TMO Daily Observations 2023-02-16
News we don’t want to talk about and not news that we do. TMO Managing Editor Jeff Butts joins Ken to talk about not talking about politics, and avoiding such news while also delivering it. The not news is a rumor – but it’s about Apple’s anticipated mixed-reality headset, so – Jeff and Ken were powerless against discussing it.
Accidentally Training Your A.I. Replacement - TMO Daily Observations 2023-02-15
Apple used narration from human readers to train its A.I. voices. The real readers did not know that, and weren’t too happy when they found out. TMO writer Nick deCourville joins Ken to talk that over. Plus – an update on the Google Photos breakage, and some security advice for Apple Card holders.
Fixes, a Break, and Not Talking About the NBA - TMO Daily Observations 2023-02-14
Apple hit with many mini updates on Monday. TMO Managing Editor Jeff Butts joins Ken to talk a few points raised by those. Plus – Why it is way too early to talk about Apple going for streaming rights to the NBA.
A.I. and Chief Design Plans Land in Mailbag Monday - TMO Daily Observations 2023-02-13
TMO Managing Editor Jeff Butts and Ken reach into the Mailbag for thoughts on A.I. and Apple without a Chief Design Officer. Come for the talking, stay for the rest of the talking! And drop your thoughts in the mailbag: [email protected]