A quick note to let you know weive just published the September installment of David Pogueis "Mastering Your Mac" in the Macintosh Products Guide. This month, David, along with Dave Reynolds and Jim Elferdink, provides a ton of great information for getting the most out of AppleWorks 6 style-sheets. You can find more information on…
The Mac Observer: On The Flip Side - G4 Multiprocessing Lesson For The Masses
G4 Multiprocessing Lesson For The Masses August 22nd, 2000 Ever since the dual processor G4 came out at MACWORLD Expo in New York in July, a debate has raged over Internet sites about the real power that the G4 actually has to offer. Some say that the extra power of the new machine is ridiculously…
MP G4/500's And G4 Cube's Starting To Show Up (Updated 2:30 PM)
Elite Computers & Software, an Apple Specialist located directly across the street from Apple Headquarters, announces receiving it?s first shipment of the new G4 500DP Towers! “All back orders have been filled and Elite Computers now has lots of G4 500DP Towers In Stock and Available for Immediate Delivery”, said Thomas Armes, president of Elite…
The Mac Observer Talks To Xtrem About MacThrust And 1.2 GHz PowerMacs
1st things first Xtrem will be releasing a product in the next two weeks called MacThrust. MacThrust is an overclocking device that will allow owners of Blue & White G3s as well as PowerMac G4s to increase the speed of their Macs up to 35%. Xtrem did not give us specific information on which systems…
The Back Page - How I Came To Use A Mac: A Tribute To Kinko's
The time is 1991. I was managing a pizza delivery store whose name (Domino’s) I won’t mention. Oops, I mentioned it. I had just taken over this store and was very excited about building sales. This unit was in a sorry state when I took over, and the key to building sales is marketing of…
Amazing Mac Art Tool Available
The new control surface is based on a fiber optic technology originally developed with funding from the Space Agency. The controller is a ismart fabrici device which senses the location and pressure of multiple fingers or styluses simultaneously, much like human skin. With the Studio Artist driver support, the controller captures intuitive gestures made by…
Microsoft Chooses Mac Group To Develop Office 2001 Icons
As was demonstrated this morning in Steve Jobsi keynote address at MacWorld, New York, Microsoft formally announced the newest version of its popular Office suite of applications – Office 2001. The Iconfactory is pleased to announce it worked closely with the Office team at Microsoft to update and revise the over 300 user interface and…
Xircom Announces PortStation for Mac (with Pictures)
We had a chance to stop by the Xircom booth and check out some of the slick USB expansion products they have to offer. Although the stackable 4 and 7 port USB hubs in multiple colors caught our eye, what caught our attention was the upcoming PortStation product. This is a modular expansion product which…
Apple Legal Cracks Down On MacCards
A Mac-centric electronic greeting card site, MacCards, was forced by Apple to shut down earlier this year. This came on the heels of Apple launching iTools, which includes an e-card service. Although the MacCards site was Mac friendly, they were forced to close. An attempt by MacCards creator Simon Jones to launch a new greeting…
But I Digress... - How To Get Into The Apple Party And Other MACWORLD Tips
How To Get Into The Apple Party And Other MACWORLD Tips July 13th, 2000 Next month, I’ll take some time to let you all (or perhaps I should write y’all, as I do live far south of the Mason-Dixon line.) on how this works. For now, though, it is, most definitely, MACWORLD time, and that…
The Mac Observer: The Apple Trader - The Deplorable State Of Mac Web Journalism
The Deplorable State Of Mac Web Journalism June 26th, 2000 Perhaps if you SAW a copy of the [PhotoShop 6] beta you’d believe all of these things [features reported on in a leaked Adobe PhotoShop spec sheet]. Normally, I don’t believe them, however, in this case, all of the things described are in the beta.…
The Mac Observer: On The Flip Side - The Mac Walks On Such A Tight Rope To Prosper!
The Mac Walks On Such A Tight Rope To Prosper! June 6th, 2000 Imagine Apple as the center of a movie with Steve Jobs as well as his management team as a sleepwalker. The scenario? Take a computer platform from Point A to Point B, walking on a tight rope. In 1984, this is exactly…
The Mac Observer: On The Flip Side - Mac Advocates Are A Bunch Of Bigots
Mac Advocates Are A Bunch Of Bigots May 16th, 2000 [For the results of last week’s Volkswagen pop quiz, look at the very end of this column] There is something that we, Mac advocates, have to acknowledge. We are such bigots that we become annoying for other computer users. In fact, our bigotry level is…
Ask Dave - Mac-PC Networking, Launcher Problems, & Cable/DSL Security
Mac-PC Networking, Launcher Problems, & Cable/DSL Security May 12th, 2000 Hello! Here we are yet again. We’ve got heaping truckloads of juicy tidbits for you this week, so I’ll spare you with the standard fluff and banter to which I normally subject you. Still, there’s something to be said about Clezmer music as an antidote…
The Mac Observer: On The Flip Side - Macintosh: The BMW Of Computers? No, It's A VolksWagen!
Macintosh: The BMW Of Computers? No, It’s A VolksWagen! May 9th, 2000 We’ve heard it often; the Macintosh is the BMW of computers. The analogy of the car with the computer is more popular today than ever, and it is understandable. Both reflect their industry’s technological position and both generate a lot of interest among…
Computing With Bifocals - Making Your Mac Desktop Look Bigger
Making Your Mac Desktop Look Bigger April 5th, 2000 CloseView Thanks to reader Shirley Hershey I found out about a free utility offered by Apple that is built in to System 7, 8, and 9 Mac software. I feel like I should have known about it, but I didn’t and my guilt was slightly…
The Mac Observer: On The Flip Side - Is The Mac Spirit Dead?
Is The Mac Spirit Dead? March 7th, 2000 It’s 10:30 PM, I am in the subway in Montreal, getting back late from work. After switching lines and waiting a few minutes for the next subway to pick me up, I enter a wagon. Tired, I take a seat and I look around. The thing about…
Monday's Mac Gadget - Control Other Computers (Not Just Macs!) With VNC
VNC (GNU Public License) AT&T Laboratories Cambridge One of the dilemmas one has to face when getting a new machine (your author has a shiny new G4 on the way) is what to do with your old machine. Sure, you could put it in the attic or give it away, but an older Mac can…
Ask Dave - Remote Control Another Mac for FREE & Help with Disk Images
Remote Control Another Mac for FREE & Help with Disk Images January 7th, 2000 Greetings, folks — I know you’re busy reading up on MACWORLD Expo, so we’ll get right to it today. We talk more about remote controlling Macs, have some interesting discussion about IDE drives in clones, and try and help someone who…
Ask Dave - Remote Control Another Mac for FREE & Help with Disk Images
Remote Control Another Mac for FREE & Help with Disk Images January 7th, 2000 Greetings, folks — I know you’re busy reading up on MACWORLD Expo, so we’ll get right to it today. We talk more about remote controlling Macs, have some interesting discussion about IDE drives in clones, and try and help someone who…
Ask Dave - MIMEs, USB Cameras, & Controlling Someone Else's Mac
MIMEs, USB Cameras, & Controlling Someone Else’s Mac December 31st, 1999 Greetings everyone, and happy Y2K. Perhaps, by the time you read this, the witching hour will have passed and all non-MacOS machines out there will die miserable deaths. Or, of course, everything will go smoothly and even those Windows machines that fail every Y2K…
Apple's High End Dilemma: Give Us Six Slots!
It’s hard to criticize Apple this quarter. Apple is doing unexpectedly well, and PC juggernauts like Compaq are doing unexpectedly bad. But here goes. The problem is Apple’s hardware commitment to high end users who need six (or more) slot machines, serial ports, and built-in SCSI. It was brought into sharp focus by last week’s…
AppleCORE: Mac vs. Windows In The Ivy League
AppleCORE Archive SEPTEMBER 22nd, 1997 AppleCORE MIKE LAMBERT ([email protected]) Mac vs. Windows In The Ivy League Since its inception, Apple Computer has cultivated and maintained a stronghold in both the graphic communications and education markets, and the company’s current leaders have made it clear (especially during the past few months of strategic change and upheaval)…
AppleCORE: A Very Connected Future for the Mac?
AppleCORE Archive OCTOBER 6th, 1997 AppleCORE MIKE LAMBERT ([email protected]) A Very Connected Future for the Mac? "Trust me for a few months," Steve Jobs told attendees during his keynote speech at the Seybold San Francisco conference last week . If I had heard him say that a month, or even a couple weeks ago, I…