Sleep on the Bus Without Losing Your Stop With This Alarm App

Whether you’re commuting to an early shift or coming home from a long workday, taking a nap on public transport means risking losing your stop. Well, not anymore, thanks to this GPS-activated alarm app created precisely so you can sleep on the bus.

Doze, an Alarm App to Safely Sleep on the Bus

iPhone iOS 18 Doze app screenshots showing gps-enabled alarm and timer options

Created by British developer and filmmaker Ed Rosie, Doze‘s idea is quite simple. Enter the bus (or train), find a seat to take a nap, open Doze, select your destination, and set a radius. When you get within that radius, Doze’s alarm goes off like any timed alarm would.

Did the bus trip from work take two hours instead of the usual 40 minutes? No problem, you’ll only wake up when you’re near home. Since it relies on GPS rather than on exact times, Doze is perfect for places where traffic can get unpredictable. Not that iOS has been reliable recently with time-based alarms, to be fair.

Failsafes Prevent You From Losing Your Stop

If you want to be extra safe, the app can also set a timer based on the usual commute duration. In case you get within the radius before the timer goes off, it is automatically disabled. If it reaches zero before your drop-off point, you can wake up to check how far that is. This way, you can trust you won’t lose your stop even if GPS coverage is spotty.

Want even more peace of mind? For longer trips, there’s also the option to set up an “approach alert”. It plays when you’re 3-5 miles from your destination, so you can grab your belongings unhurriedly before getting off.

And, just so you don’t forget to set up your alarms, the app has location-based reminders as well. Add your frequently-visited places and, whenever you’re near one of them, Doze asks if you want to enable it.

Doze bus sleep alarm app for iOS App Store sceenshot

Doze has versions for iOS and iPadOS, if for any reason you prefer to set your alarms on a tablet. They’re both available for free, without ads or in-app purchases, on the App Store.

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