The ethical use of AI content - A basic guideline - ContentBot Blog

The ethical use of AI content – A basic guideline

As artificial intelligence (AI) technology advances, so does its ability to generate content, including textimages, and videos. While this has the potential to revolutionize content creation and distribution, it also raises ethical concerns. 

For example, AI-generated content could be used to spread fake news or to create biased or inaccurate information. Additionally, AI technology is often opaque, meaning that it is difficult to understand how AI-generated content is created and what factors influence its creation. As such, there are calls for increased transparency around AI-generated content, as well as for ethical considerations to be taken into account when creating and using AI-generated content.

ContentBot’s managing director has addressed this issue with a number of publications ¹ ² ³ in an attempt to educate the market and make known the ethical concerns around AI content.

ContentBot’s stance has always been to use AI to augment your content marketing strategy, rather than replace it.

What is AI Content?

AI Content is defined as any content created by artificial intelligence, including but not limited to text, images, videos, and audio. 
Artificial intelligence has the ability to generate content that is realistic and believable to humans. This is done by learning from existing content and understanding the context in which it was created. AI writers can create new content that is similar to what humans would write, making it difficult to tell the difference. This technology is becoming increasingly popular as it can save time and money while still producing high-quality content.

As with any new technology, it’s important to understand the ethical implications and how it may affect an industry and/or groups of people.

The impact of AI Content on content marketing

As artificial intelligence continues to evolve, so too does its impact on content marketing. With AI being able to generate its own content, there is a risk of unethical practices being used in order to generate content that is designed to manipulate or deceive the reader. This is a serious concern that must be addressed by AI writers who are using AI to create content.

The use of automated tools to create content is not a new phenomenon. Human writers have been using automated writing systems for quite some time. The rise of AI, though, has allowed these systems to improve at a much quicker pace, allowing the systems to do things that were once the domain of human writers only. As well as automating some of the more manual tasks traditionally done by human writers, these systems are now able to actually learn and develop their writing style and content based on the style and content created by human writers. This means that the generated content is more varied and has a much higher quality than ever before.

The Risks of AI Generated Content

There are a few risks that need to be considered. First and foremost, AI generated content can often be inaccurate. This is because AI relies on algorithms to generate content, and these algorithms can sometimes be flawed. The technology behind most AI writers is built in a way that is more catered toward creative writing, rather than factual writing. However this may change as the underlying technology is improved and AI writers use additional tools to fact-check.

Additionally, AI generated content can be biased. This is because AI can often be trained on data sets that are themselves biased. In some cases, AI can even be considered racist due to the underlying data that supports the AI. These concerns need to be factored in when using AI to write content on your behalf.

Finally, AI generated content can be used to spread misinformation. This is a result of AI being able to comb through large amounts of data to find stories that can support an argument. This can lead to news stories being reported that are not accurate or fake news being generated about certain celebrities and figures.

Guidelines for the ethical use of AI Content

When it comes to the ethical use of AI Content, there are a few key guidelines to keep in mind. 

We’ve made a basic list that we believe should be the basis for the ethical use of AI content:

  1. AI content should never be used to mislead or manipulate people in any way. AI writers should have tools in place to combat this.
  2. AI content that is created should be done so with the highest standards of privacy and security in mind.
  3. It is important to be transparent about the use of AI content, so that people can make informed decisions about whether or not they want to interact with it. Longer-form content that is created with the help of AI should be labeled as such – much like we already do with sponsored posts.

The Pros of AI Content

There are many ways in which artificial intelligence (AI) can help you write better content. For example, AI can help you by providing suggestions for improving your writing, such as by suggesting better words or phrases to use, or by identifying errors in your grammar or punctuation. AI can also help you by doing research for you, so that you can focus on writing the actual content. Finally, AI can help you by providing feedback on your writing, so that you can learn from your mistakes and become a better writer over time.

AI can do most of the creative heavy-lifting for you. Oftentimes founders or content marketers struggle to find a new topic to write about. Not only this, but they may need some creative guidance on structuring that article (sub headings, introductions, conclusions, etc.). AI writers are incredibly helpful with helping overcome the blank page issue most writers face on a day-to-day basis.

The Cons of AI Content

While there are many potential benefits to using AI content, there are also a number of potential ethical concerns. One of the biggest ethical concerns is the potential for AI content to be used to manipulate or deceive people. For example, AI content could be used to create fake news stories or to create convincing fake reviews of products or services.

Tools like ContentBot take great care in ensuring the output that is created using their platform is carefully monitored. ContentBot has an automated system that automatically categorizes each input and output and warns or suspends accounts that use the platform to create misinformation, disinformation or those that mass-produce content.

The positive impact of AI Content

While it is important to understand the risks associated with AI generated content, it is also worth noting the many benefits of using this content. AI-created content can speed up the writing process as well as reduce the cost of writing substantially. It can also make the written content more engaging by incorporating humor or other storytelling elements. And, of course, AI-generated content can increase the volume of written content that a brand can produce, which means w greater reach and greater exposure.

There is no problem with, for example, letting AI write an outline and the basis for a blog post and then editing the content yourself afterward. This ensures that the voice of your brand is maintained as well as ensuring that the content written is accurate.

How can we ethically generate AI generated content?

As AI technology continues to develop, so to do the ethical considerations surrounding its use. One key question is how we can ethically generate AI generated content.

There are a number of factors to consider when answering this question. First, we need to think about what our goals are for producing this content. Are we looking to create something that is realistic and believable, or are we aiming for something that is more abstract and artistic?

Second, we need to consider the potential impact of this content on real people. AI generated content has the potential to be highly realistic and believable, which could have a significant impact on people’s perceptions and beliefs. For example, if we create a fake news story using AI, there is a risk that someone will believe that the events depicted in the story actually took place. This could impact the perceptions and beliefs of a real person, for better or worse.

Third, we need to think about who is doing the creating. Is the creator(s) responsible for the content generated? If so, what guidelines should be put in place to ensure the content is ethical and meets standards? And if not, what measures should be taken to regulate or influence the creator’s output?

Considering all of these factors, it should be clear that the ethical considerations behind AI content are complex. But as AI technology continues to develop, so will our understanding of how to use it responsibly. 

Disclosure: This article was written with the help of AI.

Main featured image: Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

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