8 Signs it's Time to Hire a Professional Digital Marketer - ContentBot Blog

8 Signs it’s Time to Hire a Professional Digital Marketer

In today’s digital age, having a strong online presence is essential for any business looking to succeed. However, navigating the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing can be an overwhelming and time-consuming process. It’s especially difficult for those without a background in marketing. 

As a business owner, you may find yourself struggling to keep up with the latest marketing trends and strategies. They may also lack the expertise required to execute an effective digital marketing campaign. If any of these scenarios sound familiar, it may be time to consider hiring a professional to make sure the job is done well. 

In this post, we’ll discuss eight signs that indicate it’s time to invest in professional help and how a digital marketer can help take your business to the next level. Let’s jump right in!

8 Signs it’s Time to Hire a Professional Digital Marketer

1. Most of your marketing is digital

Photo by Merakist on Unsplash

If your business:

  • has a website
  • has various social media profiles
  • sends out regular newsletters, and 
  • writes blog posts 

then it may be time to consider hiring a professional digital marketer. This also applies if you’re posting content, but no one is actually reading or seeing it. 

Your brand is the most important asset to your company. When your online content isn’t shining, you lose opportunities to connect with potential customers, and could potentially damage your brand’s image as a whole. The world of digital marketing is competitive, and a professional marketer will help give you the edge you need to stand out. 

2. You can’t commit to consistency

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

We all know the age old saying “consistency is key”. This is a very important concept when it comes to digital marketing. When your brand is consistent, it generates credibility, reliability and trust among existing and potential customers. It also has the potential to increase your revenue by 20%

It’s important to have a consistent voice, tone and style throughout social media posts, email replies and published blogs. This includes everything from researching current trends to social media management

3. You can’t commit to quality

Image by Paul from Pixabay

The aim of all marketing strategies should be to drive traffic back to your website. This is your primary presence on the Internet. For this reason, all content needs clear direction if it’s going to make a decent impact on your audience. Your content needs to be relevant to your business and what you are selling. 

If your calls-to-action (CTAs) remain unclicked and bounce rates are still climbing, then a professional digital marketer will be able to develop a more effective strategy. Putting random information out there and hoping somebody notices, is not one.

4. You don’t know how to measure marketing performance

Photo by Campaign Creators on Unsplash

Professional digital marketers will often regularly monitor the success of their efforts. That goes for every day, sometimes multiple times a day! They thoroughly evaluate the after-effects of strategies, and monitor social media insights and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). These tools are then used to set marketing goals and figure out ways to reach them. In taking these steps, they can tweak problem areas, use effective CTAs, and prove whether the content has had the desired effect. 

Without any form of measurement, you are taking a shot in the dark. Measuring performance is a way of aiming with the target clear in sight.

5. You want to help your sales team

Image by Ronald Carreño from Pixabay

If your team struggles to, for example, answer Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), there may be a disconnect between your sales and marketing teams. Digital marketers can help to develop PDFs and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems to avoid this problem. When sales and marketing have better cohesion within the business, the marketer can focus on more long term strategies that will benefit both teams.

Marketing managers may also be necessary if you have no in-house resources available to achieve your marketing goals. Freelancers offer many advantages to those interested in hiring them:

  • They are often available immediately.
  • You have access to a larger talent pool.
  • This system is more cost-effective than employing someone full-time.

Remember, all published content must be optimized for search engines; a skill that many digital marketing experts possess.

6. You can’t keep up with changing trends

Image by Thomas Malyska from Pixabay

Let’s face it, it is extremely difficult to manage a business and keep up with ever-changing trends on platforms like social media. Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram; it’s an overwhelming juggling act for business owners to handle on their own. The problem with this is; your content should be created around these trends in order to be relevant for viewers. 

Not every trend will suit your goal, but keeping up with the times will help expand your customer reach. A professional marketer will make sure your content is relevant, consistent, and trending.

7. You want to grow your organic search results

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Bottom line: Quality content leads to an increase in organic search traffic. That’s why blogs are so popular! When you publish more blogs, you appear in more search results, generate more traffic, and increase your business’s lead generation. 

According to HubSpot, small businesses have shown the largest increase in traffic when publishing more and more blog posts on a regular basis. Content that has been optimized for search engines stands the best chance at increasing your traffic and overall sales funnel.

8. You want to try a new content strategy

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Digital marketing can take many different forms, whether it’s blogging, email campaigns, podcasts, social media posts, video creation, the options go on. If you’re interested in trying something new with your brand, it may be a good idea to have someone’s help getting started and to show you the ropes.

Professional marketers have a specific skill set that they can apply to help you break into new markets in a way that gives you the best chance at success. They can also identify which methods will work best for your particular business, and help you safely enter the new territory.

So, to wrap up

Photo by Campaign Creators on Unsplash

Your sales funnel is your customer’s journey through your business, from that first interaction on social media, to purchasing a product on your website. This often starts with the initial awareness and ends with customer loyalty (hopefully). A content manager can help smooth-over the in-between stages, and develop short term and long term marketing strategies.

Starting with top-quality content will grasp the attention of the audience, directing them to the next step. If your goal is to create brand awareness, or convert prospects into buyers, then it may be time to consider bringing a content marketer on board to make sure your funnel flows well. 

It’s important to note that anyone can create content, but not everyone can create effective content. For help with creating content, have a look at ContentBot’s AI Writer. If you’ve tried it, we’d love to hear your thoughts in the comment section! 

Lauren Meyer

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